You Can’t Make an Omelette: Waffle House Slams Diners With Egg Surcharge

Americans have put up with a lot in the last four years. Inflation has been hitting us all in the wallet, driving up prices of everything from cotton swabs to gasoline. Food isn’t exempt, and the recent avian flu mess resulted in the Biden administration ordering countless chickens destroyed, with the result being a shortage of chicken wings — and eggs.
Now, the final straw has landed on the camel’s back. In a devastating piece of news, we learn that Waffle House has been driven to place a 50-cent surcharge on every egg served. The Biden administration’s inflation is egg-zacting its final revenge.
The soaring price of eggs has forced Waffle House to add a temporary surcharge on customers’ orders.
The Georgia-based chain is adding a 50-cent charge per egg because of the “nationwide rise in cost of eggs,” according to signs posted at its restaurants. An aggressive strain of avian flu is hurting supply and causing prices to rise — with no relief in sight.
“The continuing egg shortage caused by HPAI (bird flu) has caused a dramatic increase in egg prices,” Waffle House said in the statement to CNN. “Customers and restaurants are being forced to make difficult decisions.”
Egg-scuse me? Can this be true? It seems this was no yolk.
Waffle House, which has about 2,100 locations, added in the statement that it’s “continuously monitoring egg prices and will adjust or remove the surcharge as market conditions allow.”
Waffle House serves 272 million eggs per year, making it the chain’s most-ordered item, surpassing hash browns (153 million) and even waffles (124 million), according to its website.
Keeping track of the economic mess caused by the last administration is enough to scramble one’s brain, but we note that eggs are hit with the double-whammy of inflation and supply-chain shortages. According to the story linked above, in January, the average price of eggs shot up 14 percent over December and is up a dollar a dozen over the annual rolling average. That’s a mess.
See Related: Oldest Known Wild Bird Lays Record-Setting Egg in Hawaii
Texas Farmer Faces Hefty Prison Term After Armed Agents Raided Home Over Foreign Chicken Eggs
It’s enough to make one crack under the pressure.
Imagine, though, the eggs-tacy people will feel when these prices return to a saner level. President Trump no doubt has some egg-cellant plans for dealing with this situation, but honestly, he’s got a lot on his plate, including eggs-tracting concessions from other world leaders.
In all seriousness, the prices of eggs are one of the more annoying aspects of the Biden economic agenda that we’re still all dealing with. Eggs here in the Great Land, as of this morning, are almost ten dollars an 18-pack. We were getting them much cheaper (and better eggs, to boot) from a neighbor who keeps a bunch of laying hens, but that neighbor had a typically Alaskan thing happen — a lynx got into the coop and killed a bunch of the hens — so, like most Americans, we’re back to buying them at the grocers.
But now Waffle House, one of America’s landmark breakfast destinations, has had to resort to this. It’s eggs-hausting.
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