Watch: The Top 10 Most Egregious Moments in Media in 2024

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The year of our Lord, 2024, was chock-full of moments from the corporate media that will go down in history as drops in the bucket that led to its downfall. From MSNBC to CNN, ABC to CBS, the legacy media seemed addicted to shooting itself in the foot. 


Grabien, the company that clips corpo media moments, put together a top ten moments in 2024 where the media got especially bad. 

Starting from the top, we have the “cheap fakes” controversy, where MSNBC accused “right-wing media,” including an RNC account on X, of creating edited videos of President Joe Biden to make him look out of it and incapable of doing his job. The goal, said MSNBC, was to make people question Biden’s fitness for office. 

Only they weren’t fakes. These were just unedited videos of Biden looking lost and confused, and the media was effectively telling you not to believe your own eyes and ears, and buy into the propaganda they were setting before you. 

Number nine features a CNN reporter being shocked by Trump supporters he spoke to. As he was asking them a question, he mentioned that America is a “democracy,” to which the Trump supporters politely corrected him, letting him know that America was actually a republic. CNN ran with this on Anderson Cooper’s show, attempting to claim that the Trump supporters were wrong. 

They aren’t. We are not a democracy; we are a constitutional republic by definition. 

Number eight was the media buzz during the DNC that Beyoncé was going to show up and perform. She never did, but the media went all out in trying to generate hype for her appearance. When she didn’t show, it was one of the more embarrassing moments in 2024 for them, and it didn’t help Kamala Harris in the least.


Number seven was the media’s attempt to fearmonger over Project 2025. In fact, it did this so much that the DNC tried to use it on several occasions to scare people on stage into rejecting Trump. 

The issue is that Project 2025 wasn’t Trump’s plan; it was the Heritage Foundation’s. Trump had nothing to do with it, and despite desperate attempts to link Trump to Project 2025, the scare tactic only worked on people who wanted to be scared by it. Project 2025 ended up being a huge dud for the Harris campaign. 

The sixth example is the media’s incessant harping about “misinformation” on X. Hilariously, in the report by CBS on this matter itself, it goes on to mention that X did put community notes up on posts that destroy lies being told, and acted as if we couldn’t tell the difference between real images and AI-generated images. Naturally, CBS placed the blame for “misinformation” on conservatives. CNN also did its part, citing that Elon Musk was “struggling” to contain the lies on the platform. 

He wasn’t. In truth, the corporate media itself was getting lambasted on X, and getting community noted repeatedly over spreading misinformation itself. 

Number five was the attempt by the media to paint Tim Walz as moderate and JD Vance as weird. Grabien does a fantastic job of showing just how much the media was salivating over Walz, and attempting to pass him off as just a regular old American guy. Of course, as time went on, it became pretty clear that Walz was anything but a moderate, and in truth, he was the weird one. In contrast, the media truly put the effort in to paint Vance as an off-putting extremist. Yet, Vance ended up being the most normal guy of the bunch on both sides. 


Number four was the media getting teary-eyed and fearful if Trump gets elected. The amount of Chicken Little-inspired pearl-clutching was almost impressive. MSNBC tried to pass Trump’s election off as “life and death” for women and that he’d be a dictator on day one, and they compared him to world dictators. Because, why not? 

Number three was the claim that Joe Biden would never pardon Hunter Biden because he’s an upright, rule-of-law type of guy… yeah. He did

Number two was when ABC was caught editing Kamala Harris’s interview with them in order to make her look far more competent than she actually was. If you watch the unedited version, you’ll see Harris was a rambling mess. This scandal became big enough that it actually fell into meme territory, with many people mocking her “I grew up in a middle-class family” claim. The “60 Minutes” edit about Israel’s war with Hamas was also a deceptive edit to make Harris look better, and I’m not sure “60 Minutes” has recovered from that blow yet. 

And the number one most egregious media deception of 2024? Biden is at his peak both cognitively and physically. As Joe Scarborough declared with absolute certainty, “This version of Biden is the best Biden ever.” Alejandro Mayorkas called him “sharp” and “detail-oriented” on MSNBC, and CNN claimed he has a “photographic memory.” 


According to the media, you were all crazy for thinking Biden was anything but smart, with it, and capable. 

I’ll just leave this here. 

(READ: Bombshell WSJ Report Confirms What We All Knew: The Dems Lied Through Their Teeth About Biden’s Senility)

Enjoy the video for yourself below. 

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