“The Party of Joy” Marches in Chicago with Giant “Killer Kamala” Banner – Chant “How Many Kids Did You Kill Today?” (VIDEO)

Breaking News Politics USA World

“Killer Kamala what do you say? – How many kids did you kill today.”

The ‘Party of Joy’ took to the streets of Chicago on Sunday night prior to the official launch of the DNC Convention this week in the Windy City.

Protesters carried banners reading, “Killer Kamala!” in Navy Pier.

Democrat protesters are big fans of “Killer Kamala.”

George Behizy posted this photo from Sunday night’s protest at Navy Pier.

And the radical mob was chanting, “Killer Kamala what do you say – How many kids did you kill today?”
Independent journalist Bo from DittleTV posted video of the angry leftists marching Sunday in Chicao.

It could be an exciting week in Chicago. The business owners must be thrilled!