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POLL: Almost 50% of Democrats Want Unvaccinated Thrown into Camps, Jail Time for Anyone Who Questions Jabs

A new poll has revealed that almost half of Democrats want unvaccinated people put into “designated facilities,” along with the jailing anyone who questions the efficacy of the COVID-19 vaccines. The poll, conducted by Rasmussen on behalf of the Heartland Institute, showed that most Americans reject the plans put forward by the Biden administration to […]

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Party Of Hate: Polling Shows Democrats Despise, Discriminate Against Republican Peers

Recent polling data shows that the Democrat Party is truly the party of hate, with a super-majority of Democrat college students admitting that they dislike and even discriminate against their conservative-minded peers and fellow Americans. Figures compiled among college-aged Republicans show the opposite, with only tiny fractions of those young people saying the same. The […]

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POLL: 64% of Republicans, 15% of Democrats ‘Likely’ to Join Hypothetical New Trump-Led Political Party

A newly released poll reveals that incessant negative media coverage, two impeachments, and a near universal betrayal by elected Republicans has not tamped down on President Donald Trump’s popularity among his base. In fact, nearly two thirds of Republicans would leave the party to join a Trump-endorsed party. A new survey, conducted during the last […]

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