US Government Caught Buying ‘Fresh’ Aborted Baby Flesh, Alex Jones Proven Right Once More

Last week, legal accountability group Judicial Watch released a lengthy report indicating that the U.S. government buys and traffics “fresh” aborted baby parts, according to the Federalist. “These body parts, purchased by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to “humanize” mice and test biologic drugs in scientific experiments, came from babies up to 24-weeks-old gestation, […]

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Alex Jones Right Again: Scientists Admit They Successfully Created Human-Monkey Hybrids

US and Chinese scientists have successfully created embryos that are part monkey and part human in order to produce organs for transplant recipients, raising ethics concerns among scientists. The mix of human-monkey cells were created by a team of international scientists, according to a report by NPR. “My first question is: Why?” said Kirstin Matthews, a […]

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Institute Behind ‘WELL Health Safety Seal’ Ad Has Massive Ties To China, CCP

The International Well Building Institute’s founder and leadership team have massive ties to mainland China, as well as various Chinese companies. Americans were surprised recently when they turned on their televisions to see an advertisement featuring celebrities like Lady Gaga, Robert De Niro, Michael B. Jordan, and Jennifer Lopez, urging US businesses to get the […]

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Biden Plans Cyber Attacks Against Russia For SolarWinds Hack, Ignores Chinese Involvement

The Biden Administration is planning cyber attacks against Russia for their alleged involvement behind the SolarWinds breach, seemingly ignoring reports that the FBI learned of Chinese state-sponsored hackers exploiting the company’s software. According to a report by the New York Times, the United States is planning retaliation against Russia “after concluding it was likely involved” […]

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VIDEO: Biden Says He Won’t ‘Speak Out Against’ China’s Uygur Genocide, Because ‘Culturally, There Are Different Norms’

During a CNN Presidential Town Hall, Joe Biden publicly stated that he refuses to denounce the oppression of the people of Hong Kong, the forceful ending of the China-Taiwan “One China Policy,” and the genocide of the Uyghur Muslims, an ethnic minority group, claiming that “culturally, there are different norms that each country, and they, […]

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