‘Native American’ Hollywood Producer Accused of Faking Her Heritage

Last Updated on March 27, 2023 One of Hollywood’s top “Native American” producers has been accused of faking her heritage, according to a report from the New York Post. Heather Rae, 56, serves on the Academy of Motion Pictures’ Indigenous Alliance, previously headed up the Sundance Institute’s Native American program. She also worked as “narrative change strategist” for […]

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‘Karen’ Horror Film About White Woman Who Calls Cops On Black People Gets Ruthlessly Mocked By Intended Audience

An upcoming liberal “horror” film that attempts to capitalize on ancient internet memes about fictional white women named “Karen” who call the police on black people has received intense criticism and mockery from the black community for being a “Get Out” ripoff that amounts to nothing more than an incredibly cringe blaxploitation flick. In the […]

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‘COME ON, MAN’: Matthew McConaughey Bashes ‘Scared’ Anti-Maskers, ‘Let’s All Take One For The Team’

Matthew McConaughey criticized people who don’t wear face masks on “The Carlos Watson Show, referring to mask-wearing as a “short-term inconvenience for a long-term freedom.” The New York Post reported that “Matthew McConaughey thinks anti-maskers are not alright, not alright, not alright.” McConaughey said, “I’m like going come on, man – I’m not believing that […]

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