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Torba Fights Back Against German Censorship, Refuses To Block Access To Gab Or Implement Speech Regulations

Andrew Torba, the CEO of Gab, has declared that he will neither restrict German IP addresses from his accessing his site, nor implement German censorship regulations, following a demand from the country’s government. In a blog post, Torba, who has been running Gab since its inception in 2016, revealed that the free speech social network […]

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BREAKING: Texas GOP Votes To Delete Its Gab Account After Abbott Smears Platform As ‘Anti-Semitic’

Despite Texas Republican Party Chairman Allen West previously pledging not to delete the party’s Gab account, the State Republican Executive Committee today voted to circumvent West’s decision and delete the account. This follows the baseless lie from Texas Governor Greg Abbott that Gab is “anti-Semitic” and, thus, has no place in Texas. During a party […]

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