Tuscaloosa Patch Silent After They Repeated John Merrill’s Lies, Smeared National File

Yesterday, National File revealed our exclusive interview with Cesaire McPherson, the woman who was engaged in an extramarital affair with Alabama Secretary of State – and then Senate hopeful – John Merrill. National File obtained text messages discussing the affair, a photograph taken of Merrill by McPherson during the affair, and a nearly thirty minute […]

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BREAKING: New Audio Reveals John Merrill Told Mistress ‘You Know I Liked That’ After Anal Play Session

Alabama Secretary of State John Merrill, whose adulterous affair with ex-mistress Cesaire McPherson was exposed by National File’s Patrick Howley this week, told McPherson “you know that I liked that” in reference to the sexual acts she performed on him during one of their meetings. Merrill had previously claimed that the allegations of the affair […]

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