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MSNBC Host Joe Scarborough Erupts, Says Pro-Life Christians Are ‘Perverting the Gospel’, Suggests Jesus Christ Is Pro-Abortion

ADVERTISEMENT Last Updated on September 9, 2022 MSNBC anchor Joe Scarborough suggested Christians and Catholics are “perverting the Gospel” and wrong to be pro-life because “Jesus never once talked about abortion.” “As a Southern Baptist, I grew up reading the Bible – maybe a backslidin’ Baptist but I still know the Bible – Jesus never once […]

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Rosary Sales Surge After ‘The Atlantic’ Calls Rosary ‘An Extremist Symbol’

ADVERTISEMENT Last Updated on August 17, 2022 Three online shops have reported a massive surge in the sales of rosaries following The Atlantic, a massive mainstream media outlet, publishing a hit-piece on the rosary, labeling it a sign of extremism. Rosary vendors told Catholic News Agency that their sales and/or social media followings have boomed, probably […]

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‘I’m Killing The Babies’: Pro-Abortion Extremists Swarm NYC Cathedral

Dozens of pro-abortion extremists blocked the entrance to NYC’s St. Patrick’s cathedral on Saturday morning. In response to the planned pro-abortion demonstrations across NYC, the NYPD has increased its patrols around churches. Leftist demonstrators blame the Catholic church for the leaked Roe v. Wade draft opinion, as six of nine current Supreme Court justices are […]

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Catholic University Speaker Says White Students Should ‘Crucify Their Whiteness’

The Atkins Center for Ethics at Carlow University in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, hosted an event titled “Rejecting White Christianity” on March 3. A guest speaker at the event, Miguel De La Torre, called for White Christians to “crucify” their “whiteness.” “Eurochristian nationalism has been used to justify white supremacy. Many within communities of color, with colonized […]

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