NLPC Chairman Arrested at Buffett Shareholder Meeting for Linking Bill Gates to Jeffrey Epstein

Last Updated on May 9, 2023 National Legal and Policy Center Chair Peter Flaherty was arrested this past weekend at the Berkshire Shareholder Proposal Presentation in Omaha, Nebraska. Before his arrest, Flaherty was speaking about his support for Prop 8, which the NLPC sponsored. According to Flaherty, Prop 8 would separate Berkshire from Buffett’s political […]

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Video: Bill Gates Advances Climate Change Agenda, Says European Energy Crisis Is ‘Good For The Long Run’

ADVERTISEMENT Last Updated on October 19, 2022 A billionaire climate change activist has called the European energy crisis “good for the long run.” Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates made the controversial energy comments while appearing on CNBC Tuesday. The energy crisis, which aroused due to the Ukraine/Russia conflict and NordStream explosions, is actually “good for the […]

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Effort Emerges To Get Bill Gates In Front of Congress To Answer For His Farmland-Buying

ADVERTISEMENT Last Updated on July 21, 2022 South Dakota Republican congressman Dusty Johnson is pushing for Bill Gates to answer questions about his mass land-buying in front of Congress. Gates has made himself the largest private farmland owner in the United States, earning the sarcastic moniker “Farmer Bill” from Gates’ critic Robert F. Kennedy Jr. […]

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VIDEO: Catholic Nun Says COVID-19 Vaccines Are Globalist Plot For Population Control, Pope Francis Their ‘Spiritual Leader’

A video surfaced online of a Benedictine Nun named Mother Miriam issuing a warning of what she describes as a globalist depopulation agenda involving COVID-19 vaccines, at one point referring to Pope Francis as the “spiritual leader” of globalist elites. A video going viral shows a nun named Mother Miriam discussing the COVID-19 vaccine as […]

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Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Says Math, Showing Your Work, Correct Answers Are Racist

As Bill and Melinda Gates aggressively push for the vaccination of the entire world population against COVID, their non-profit organization is pouring millions of dollars into an educational program that espouses the elimination of racism in mathematics. The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, one of the most influential non-profit groups in the world, is pushing […]

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