USA Today Claimed Biden Didn’t Check His Watch In Fact Check, Later Admitted He ‘Checked His Watch Multiple Times’

USA Today issued a fact check on the “partly false” claims that Joe Biden kept checking his watch during the dignified transfer ceremony honoring US service members slain in Kabul. Then, they issued a correction admitting that “Biden checked his watch multiple times at the dignified transfer event, including during the ceremony itself.” On September […]

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SHAME: Biden Calls Afghanistan Withdrawal An ‘Extraordinary Success’ Despite Abandoning Americans, Military Dogs, Equipment

During Joe Biden’s speech regarding the Afghanistan Disaster, Biden said that the debacle was an “extraordinary success” despite effectively handing over billions of dollars worth of US military equipment to the Taliban, the abandonment of thousands of American citizens and military dogs, the deaths of 13 US service members, and the diminishing of American global […]

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