Israel, China Collaborate to Push Anti-American Commie Ruben Gallego for Senate in Arizona

Last Updated on February 7, 2023 Israel and Communist China are using their globalist influence operations to collaborate in pushing anti-American Democrat Ruben Gallego for US Senate in Arizona, as the Epstein-funded, CCP-tied Humpty Dumpty Insitute, exposed by National File, mobilizes for 2024, and World War 3. Far-left Democrat Rep. Ruben Gallego (AZ), a staunch […]

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Breaking Report: Schiff Is In Panic Mode, Career On The Line, Over Release Of Russia Collusion Transcripts

Written by Wes Walker at Clash Daily  Schiff has finally met his match, someone who isn’t going to put up with his lawless, partisan, anti-constitutional, authoritarian bull-crap. And there is nothing Schiff can do about it. take our poll – story continues below Completing this poll grants you access to Right Wing Tribune updates free of […]

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