Sunday Shows, Jake Sullivan Try to Push Biden Afghanistan Withdrawal Win, Frmr. Speaker Gingrich Says Nay

Breaking News Politics USA World

How many times during the past four years have we shown readers video of the Biden administration and outspoken figures in the legacy media fawning over the actions of President Joe Biden’s administration?


It ratcheted up of course to insane levels after the presumed Democrat nominee–after the primary campaign had wrapped up–stepped aside for VP Kamala Harris to assume the mantle at the party’s 2024 convention over the summer. That gross parade of sycophants–proclaiming that the Emperor actually has clothes–has not abated in the months since.

Just the latest example can be found Sunday, when dutiful White House toady, national security adviser Jake Sullivan, was trotted out to, as incredible as it might sound, boast about Biden and Afghanistan.

As I wrote in early December 2024, Sullivan was happy to smear newly announced FBI Director nominee, Kash Patel with a purpose-built book excerpt, around the time many of the usual suspects on the left were using the Bill Barr passage as an undisguised cudgel against Trump. One of the Republicans who gave the narrative some solid pushback was Senator Bill Hagerty (R-TN), who bravely went on air with the progressive tail-waggers on NBC News’ “Meet The Press.”

READ: MTP Tries to Use Barr Quote As a Cudgel vs. Patel Pick but GOP Senator Does Not Cede an Inch

As I said, Sullivan took another wide swing at advocacy for Team Biden on Sunday, appearing on CNN’s “State of the Union” with host Jake Tapper. The cognitive dissonance here is off the charts:


There was a somewhat revealing part, in which Sullivan essentially answered the question by refusing to answer the question:

Sullivan declined to respond to reports that he had offered to resign after the Afghanistan withdrawal, saying he would not divulge details of his personal conversations with the president.

Read into that what you like, readers. Later, he threw out a lifeline to Biden’s wrongheaded mismanagement of the Afghanistan troop withdrawal, while trying to diminish former President Trump’s first administration with a false equivalence:

“Now, the FBI will continue to look for foreign connections. Maybe we’ll find one, but what we’ve seen is proof of what President Biden said, which is that the terrorist threat has gotten more diffuse and more metastasized elsewhere, including homegrown extremists here in the United States who have committed terrorist attacks. Not just under President Biden, but under President Trump in his first term.”

“And that is part of why we had to move our focus from a hot war in Afghanistan to a larger counterterrorism effort across the world.”

It would be funny, if it weren’t so maddening that these people simply do not care about the truth of what happened–or cannot stop themselves from insulting the intelligence of the American people with the “homegrown” white supremacist terrorists line; This shows their only concern remains how it reflect on them retaining influence and power, and mouthing the right words for overseas pals on the left.


Switching channels to another Sunday morning show, CBS News’ “Face The Nation” had as a guest former Speaker Newt Gingrich, who was invited on this week to (ostensibly) promote his PBS documentary on some notable legal immigrants to the U.S.

Host Margaret Brennan, unsurprisingly, had other plans:

MARGARET BRENNAN: In this documentary, you tell the stories of these individuals who immigrated to the US, and they were very successful, people like Albert Einstein. You know, when you look at Einstein and you look at Henry Kissinger, they were refugees to this country. Donald Trump set refugee admissions at very low levels first term. He’s talking about blocking refugee admissions this term. Is that a mistake?

FORMER SPEAKER GINGRICH: Well, I think, I think we’re going through a period of, frankly, reacting to an extraordinarily disastrous immigration policy. So you’re going to have some twists and turns. In the long run, we do want to have an ability to allow legitimate refugees to come here. We also, and part of the reason Calista and I made this documentary for PBS, is- we really believe strongly that legal immigrants are a major contribution to America’s success and to its exceptional nature. And we want to make sure that, you know, as many Americans favor legal immigration as opposed to illegal immigration–


A few minutes later, the host opened up a can of worms by bringing up–of all things–Biden’s record on Afghanistan, and it swiftly disintegrated into a discussion on not only that debacle perpetrated by the current administration, but the border crisis. The back-and-forth is lengthy, but it tells the tale the most efficient and interesting way. [emphasis mine]

It began with Gingrich questioning the legitimacy of so many illegal aliens claiming asylum to get access to the country, but you’ll see Brennan quickly flails and loses control of the interview:

FORMER SPEAKER GINGRICH: –or is that just their way of getting into the United States? To claim asylum, I think there’s a big- there’s a big difference between somebody who genuinely faces a potential loss of life or freedom and somebody who simply wants to come to America and decides to claim that status

MARGARET BRENNAN: Economic migrants, there. Let me ask you, someone else you feature in here, Zalmay Khalilzad. Very prominent Afghan American who brokered Trump’s deal with the Taliban to exit Afghanistan. As you know, with that chaotic exit, there were tens of thousands of Afghans scattered, some of them still separated from their families. Many of them worked for the U.S. government. Should Mr. Trump extend the legal process of this program and bring those Afghans here, and would you ask Congress to raise the current cap they have on the number of them coming?

FORMER SPEAKER GINGRICH: You know, I think the Afghan refugees who actively fought on the side of Americans, saved American lives, tried to help win against the Taliban- I think they deserve an unusual level of support and treatment. And I worked all during the period of President Biden’s insanely disastrous withdrawal. I tried to work with various people and did podcasts with people who were trying to get folks out of Afghanistan who should legitimately have been helped by the U.S. government. So, when somebody is totally your ally- and this happened with the Vietnamese and the Vietnamese War, when somebody is totally your ally and they risk their lives side by side with you, you shouldn’t abandon them. That’s a pretty straightforward rule.

MARGARET BRENNAN: Well, one of the things that Biden administration blamed the Trump administration for was the difficulty in making those fast arrangements to bring those Afghans here, and that’s a story for another day, but the person they put their finger on as making it more difficult is Stephen Miller, who is now the top policy adviser to Mr. Trump. He did add new requirements to visas, other things that made it harder to legally come here. Have you spoken to him about some of your concerns?


Newt put that attempted trap move quickly to bed–in essence, he said nay:

FORMER SPEAKER GINGRICH: No, I know Stephen very well. Look, Stephen was responding to a disastrous level of immigration that’s not sustainable. And I think that’s- I think virtually every American agrees you can’t have an open border. You can’t have Venezuelan gangs, for example, or El Salvadorian gangs. I mean, there are a lot of good reasons, and you’re going to get some overreaction, but it’s an overreaction, frankly, caused by people like President Biden, who were totally irresponsible in allowing people into this country by the millions in a way that was totally illegal. It was outside the law.

Nailed it. That’s the overriding concept we’ll be returning to with Trump back in the White House in one week-and-one-day from now–respect for and enforcing the rule of law. Of course, the Democrats and their media friends likely won’t stop heaping on the accolades and whitewashing of Pres. Biden’s record in public office. No one here will be surprised by that statement. 


[Editor’s Note: This article was edited for clarity after publication.]

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