Ramon Velazquez, Cattle Leader “Kidnapped” In Culiacan, Found Shot To Death
“Char” for Borderland Beat
This article was translated and reposted from LUZ NOTICIAS
The victim had a message as to why he had been executed.
Luz Noticias
Ramón Alberto Velázquez Ontiveros, a cattle rancher leader, was found dead with several gunshot wounds after being deprived of his freedom in a Culiacán syndicate.
According to the information provided, the body was found at 4:30 p.m. today at kilometer 110.
The body of the cattle leader was face up and with a piece of cardboard with a message, indicating why he had been murdered.
State authorities went to the area where the body was found to carry out the legal procedures.
The “ kidnapping”
It was established that Ramón Alberto had been kidnapped at 3:00 p.m. when he was traveling on Mexico 15 and upon arriving at Higueras de Abuya he was intercepted by armed subjects in two pickup trucks who subdued him to take him to an unknown destination.
It was not until 4:30 p.m. that his body was located. The remains will be taken to the amphitheater where investigations will continue.
Ramon Alberto Velazquez was the delegate of the Livestock Association of Culiacán, specializing in goats. The body of Mr. Velazquez was found in El Espinal in Elota, Sinaloa. Mr. Velazquez had his eyes gouged out, his tongue cut off with a cardboard message next to his body found, and signed by “El Vitache”. El Vitache is a La Chapiza or Los Chapos local commander in San Ignacio, Sinaloa.