Rachel Maddow ‘Thought People Would Be More Unnerved by JD Vance’ and Both of Her Viewers Agree

Breaking News Politics USA World

MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow, who commands an audience of literally dozens of viewers, is still trying to wrap her mind around what happened on November 5th. She never will comprehend it; she lacks the self-awareness to realize that she is, politically, somewhere to the left of Rosa Luxemburg, and most Americans aren’t.


In her latest edition of “I don’t know why Donald Trump won, nobody at MSNBC voted for him,” she is complaining that the American people weren’t “unnerved” by JD Vance.

Wow. Just… wow.

“I thought people would be more unnerved by JD Vance,” Maddow told news site, Semafor, which rounded up dozens of retrospectives from media figures across the political spectrum, adding, “Less the cat lady thing and more the ‘Americans [are] going to have to get over dictatorphobia’ Mencius Moldbug’ thing,” referring to the pseudonym for blogger Curtis Yarvin, whom Vance has followed for years.

Donald Trump’s selection of Vance as his running mate was greeted with scorn in the progressive media, and he was derided in the press as a drag on the ticket. However, Vance’s skillful showings in combative interviews soon earned him a reputation as one of Trump’s best surrogates, and he was also widely considered the winner of the only vice-presidential debate with Democratic counterpart Tim Walz.

No, Rachel, it’s more the loony lefty cat lady thing you’re channeling here. This… person literally has no idea who populates most of this nation or how they think; she is the embodiment of everything that is wrong with the leftist legacy media.

Here’s what she doesn’t get: The general run of the American people like JD Vance because he’s one of us. I’m a child of the Midwest myself, although the hillbillies I grew up around were in Allamakee County, Iowa, and not Ohio and Kentucky. But I grew up around people like the Vances. JD Vance came from modest beginnings, from a broken home. His mother was a troubled soul who struggled with addiction issues – happily, she overcame them and went on to see her son elected Vice President of the United States. I knew families like this. I knew families with these same issues. Many of us do.


JD Vance’s story is the American dream personified. He overcame his troubled beginnings to win a place at Yale Law. He was elected to the Senate from his home state of Ohio. Now he is the Vice President-elect. He is what my grandfather would have called a “regular Joe” – a young guy with a young family, who likes a cold beer every now and then, who loves his family and his country, and who tries to do the right thing.

But when someone like Rachel Maddow looks at him, all she can see is the “R” behind his name, which she thinks makes him a racist, sexist, homophobic dictator wanna-be – because Rachel Maddow is fundamentally a shallow thinker, which seems to be the norm at MSNBC.

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Here’s the fun bit:

Maddow was one of several media figures Semafor asked to reflect on what they got wrong from the 2024 election or culture at large. Answers ranged from failing to predict Elon Musk’s influence to the continued relevance of X and the power of inflation on Americans’ votes. Others, like The Bulwark Podcast host Tim Miller, admitted he was guilty of judging President Biden too “generously.”


They never will get it. Donald Trump won because most folks are sick of “woke” crap. They are sick of being called “transphobic” if they object to a boy parading his dangly bits in their 14-year-old daughter’s school locker room. They are sick of being gaslighted by Democrats telling them how good things are when they are exploring a second mortgage to pay for next month’s heating bill. They are sick of being lectured about their carbon footprints by people who live in waterfront mansions. 

JD Vance is the antithesis of all that. He’s one of us. And that, more than anything else, is why he was the right choice for Donald Trump’s running mate – and that, more than anything else, is why he is now Vice President-elect of the United States.

As for Rachel Maddow, the only advice I can give her is to borrow five bucks and try to buy a clue.

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