Noted Race Hustler Al Sharpton Declares Trump Racist, Incapable of ‘Human Feeling’ in DC Crash Remarks

Breaking News Politics USA World

Other than perhaps civil rights leader Jesse Jackson, “social justice” activist Al Sharpton is the most prolific shake-down artist/professional racial hustler in the history of the United States, with one notable difference. Jackson, whether genuine or contrived, portrays a shred of decency, while Sharpton is not only smug to the max; he also personifies the height of hypocrisy.


This takes us to Friday and MSNBC’s ridiculous “Morning Joe,” with Sharpton declaring that President Donald Trump is incapable of “having….human feeling.” 


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Co-host Jonathan Lemire kicked off the festivities.

Let’s let’s get your thoughts here about what we heard from President Trump yesterday, blaming with no evidence whatsoever, acknowledging he had no evidence, blaming hiring practices centered around DEI, centered around diversity for what happened the other night.

Before we get to Sharpton’s race-obsessed response, note that Lemire raised the issue of DEI (diversity, equity, and inclusion), which, as the left portrays it, is about not only black Americans, but also the gay community, and the “trans” community, with the latter seemingly being the most prominent among DEI activists.

Yet, Sharpton went straight to the race card (emphasis, mine):

Well, clearly, the president has a racial obsession. He’s using whatever race-baiting he can to get elected and maintain. but you would think when we’re seeing 67 people that have been killed by an accident and that their families are dealing with the shock of that that he would try and appeal for all of us to one, mourn the families and give the families our grievances and condolences and prayers and bring us all together because any of us could have been on that flight.


Sharpton accusing anyone of race-baiting is beyond amusing, and tantamount to left-wing independent filmmaker Michael Moore calling someone else overweight. 

Moreover, Al forgot to mention the record percentage of black voters, particular black male voters, who crossed party lines and voted for Trump in November — as did a record percentage of Hispanic voters. 

Sharpton then took his idiocy to a new level:

All of us fly back and forth to Washington a lot. Rather than do that, he does three minutes of let’s pause in silence and then let’s blame the blacks. Let’s blame the disabled. I mean, this kind of venom is beyond someone that I think is capable of having some kind of human feeling.

In the blockquote before the video, Sharpton suggested without saying that Trump ignored “inclusion” when the president should have been more concerned with “appealing to all of us.” His hypocrisy could not have been more profound. Sharpton delights in sowing — and watering — divisiveness at every concocted opportunity. 


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Meanwhile, Trump on Friday kicked off Black History Month by celebrating the accomplishments of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, economist Thomas Sowell, and abolitionists Harriet Tubman and Frederick Douglas. There could not be more of a contrast.

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