Navy Conducts Land And Air Operations In The Badiraguato Mountains: Sinaloa

Latin America World

 “Char” for Borderland Beat 

This article was translated and reposted from LOS NOTICIERISTAS



Badiraguato, Sin.- Elements of the Secretariat of the Mexican Navy conducted surveillance patrols by land and air during surprise operations carried out on the afternoon of Tuesday, September 3, with no confirmed gun battles between the Navy and armed individuals.
According to the information, shortly after midday, neighbors from communities near the San José del Llano syndicate reported the overflights of a Navy helicopter and the patrols of several elements aboard several units known as “fast” of that corporation through the streets of the aforementioned town, located in the vicinity of the area known as the Golden Triangle.
It was through several videos and photographs that neighbors of these mountain communities uploaded to social networks that the presence of the marines was made known and confirmed, but so far no authorities, not even the residents, have confirmed shootings derived from the presence of the marines.
The Secretariat of Public Security of Sinaloa informs:
It is known that elements of the Secretariat of the Mexican Navy are carrying out overflights in some areas of the mountainous municipality of Badiraguato, which are routine.
If more information is available, it will be released in a timely manner.
It should be noted that during the course of this Tuesday, the constitutional governor of the state of Sinaloa, Rubén Rocha Moya, made a tour of the communities of El Hormiguero and La Apoma, belonging to the mountainous municipality.
Rumors are swirling that the Secretariat Of Mexican Navy is going after a high-ranking Sinaloa Cartel leader. The name of Aureliano Guzman Loera “Guano Guzman” who has escaped dozens of raids is being mentioned as a possible target but as of right now, information is very fluid stay tuned for updates. 
