Freedom of expression in Albania, EU funds project for open dialogue in addressing key issues

“Promotion of Freedom of Expression in Albania through Open Dialogue” funded by the European Union and the Council of Europe is the latest project in Albania that aims to initiate an open dialogue process around Albania’s commitments to address key issues related to freedom of expression and media freedom.
The project was presented to the audience where future journalists are formed, at the Faculty of Journalism at the University of Tirana.
Some of the issues to be addressed in the program are media ownership and independent journalism, the safety of journalists and violations of press freedom, as well as access to information.
The EU delegation expressed its happiness to cooperate with the Council of Europe in facilitating this dialogue between all media actors and the government.
The Ambassador of the European Union in Tirana, Silvio Gonzato, present at the launch of the project, stated that this project is an opportunity for a true approach of the entire society towards the reforms that Albania must adopt in the media sector.
“All relevant actors can come together to decide on the best model that fits the Albanian context, supported by the best practices and standards of member states within the European Union. The EU is committed to supporting Albania in this complex task,” emphasized Gonzato.
“There is no path to EU integration without freedom of expression as a fundamental right in a democratic society,” stated EU Ambassador Silvio Gonzato. (February 3)