Foreshadowing? Don Jr. Hackers Make Sick Hoax Claim About Pres. Trump’s Death

Politics USA World

Last Updated on September 20, 2023

Donald Trump Jr.’s X account was hacked on Wednesday morning, with the hackers posting a sick hoax claim that President Trump had died and that his son would be running for office in his place. Tucker Carlson recently said he was concerned the global elite would attempt to assassinate President Trump and now many are viewing the Don Jr. hack as a globalist foreshadowing of exactly that.

A hacked post from Don Jr’s account read, ” I’m sad to announce Donald Trump has passed away. I will be running for president in 2024.”

It’s interesting that the hackers decided to write about Trump dying. Tucker Carlson recently shared his concern that the globalists would attempt to assassinate Trump, saying, “They protested him [Trump], they called him names, he won anyway, they impeached him twice on ridiculous pretenses, they fabricated a lot what happened on January 6th in order to impeach him again. It didn’t work, he came back, then they indited him, it didn’t work, he became more popular, then they indicted him 3 more times and every single time his popularity rose, so if you begin with criticism then you go to protest, then impeachment, then indictment and none of them work, what’s next?”

Tucker went on to say, “Graph it out man, we are speeding towards assassination and no one will say it. I don’t know how you can’t reach that conclusion, you know what I mean?”

The global elite have long loved to project their actions in the media before executing their plans. Claiming Trump died was no accident – it was deliberately posted and then reposted by the Don Jr. hackers.

The globalists attempting to stop Trump hate the man so much they want him dead.

Hopefully, Elon Musk will provide Trump’s Secret Service with all the information about Wednesday’s hackers. X and Elon have yet to comment on the hack.

Stay with National File as this story continues to develop.

Related: X Allows Don Jr. Hack to Go Unchecked as Threats, False Announcements Are Made

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