Florida Grand Jury Releases Interim Report on COVID Wrongdoing

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In Florida, a grand jury empaneled to examine potential wrongdoing by COVID-19 vaccine manufacturers and their proponents released its second interim report. There are some interesting, if perhaps a tad obvious, conclusions documented therein.


Submitted to the Florida Supreme Court on May 21, the grand jury’s second interim report details various topics not covered in the first, such as the prevalence of natural immunity among those infected with Covid and medications used to treat infected patients. Much like the first report, this new analysis contains damning information about how the “expert” class did not, in fact, “follow the science.”

It’s interesting how often an “expert” class gets caught up in things like this. Looking at the report through the eyes of a guy who was educated in biology but not in virology — field zoology was my bag back then — there are nevertheless some glaring screw-ups that stand out.


Infection-derived immunity (IDI), or “natural immunity,” is not a new phenomenon. As noted by the grand jury, the human body acquiring natural protection from harmful antigens via infection is a concept that has existed for “thousands of years.”

Thousands? Try billions. This is belaboring the obvious, as natural immunity has been a thing pretty much as long as there have been multi-celled organisms. Some of us are old enough to remember the phenomenon called a “chicken pox party,” when one kid would come down with the scratchies, and parents would all bring their kids over to get exposed, get it over with, and make sure they were immune thereafter. It’s always worked that way. Surviving a disease front-loads one’s immune system, and it’s very effective — and not very new.



While the grand jury noted the difficulty in finding effective treatments for a new virus amid a global outbreak, it lamented how some government health officials committed “avoidable mistakes” when it came to “messaging and communication” with the American public about potential early treatment options. Among the most notable was the “expert” class’s war against hydroxychloroquine, a commonly used drug often prescribed to treat malaria.


The grand jury similarly examined the “bizarre” information warfare against ivermectin, a Nobel Prize-winning antiparasitic medication approved for human use in 1987. While researchers published studies both supporting and disproving the drug’s efficacy against Covid, the same aforementioned government and media figures engaged in a “pointless, ugly war of words over a proven-safe drug with questionable effectiveness.”

This one was just plain baffling. Both hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin have a long history of use in humans, and no matter what effectiveness they may have had against the COVID bug, there was just no good reason for the vitriol aimed at practitioners who tried either or both of these drugs, other than, we may very well guess, that the “expert” class felt their expertise was challenged and, once their heads were stuck in, they felt they couldn’t back down; that would mean admitting that, you know, they were wrong.


Previously on RedState: WATCH: Anthony Fauci Testifies Before House Committee on Coronavirus Pandemic 

Fauci Hearing: The Accountability That Will Never Come

Third and finally:

Above all, the grand jury highlighted how government health “experts” and legacy media’s efforts to squash debate about the efficacy of drugs like ivermectin created an avoidable scenario in which individuals who felt they were being lied to took matters into their own hands.

See above; a classic example of the bureaucratic mindset at work. And it’s important to note that this isn’t how science works. Science is based on examining facts and testing hypotheses to arrive at conclusions, and that is only effective as a method when the facts are discussed openly, and all avenues are explored. One can’t stamp out a discussion on alternative therapies in a matter like this and claim to be “following the science” when what they are doing is anti-science.

It’s unclear what will happen with all this in the end. Dr. Anthony Fauci is testifying before Congress. (See links above.) Members of his staff have been grilled. We can hope for more subpoenas, more Freedom of Information Act requests, and more sternly worded letters. And, candidly, that’s probably about it.


You can read the entire Florida grand jury’s interim report here.

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