EU Delegation and US Embassy: The conclusions of the NSRS represent a serious threat to the constitutional order of Bosnia and Herzegovina

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Sarajevo, (Fena) – The Delegation of the European Union in Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as the embassies of the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, France, and Italy, have unequivocally confirmed the primacy of the Constitution and the Constitutional Court of BiH following the latest special session of the legislative body of one of the two entities in BiH, the National Assembly of the Republika Srpska (NSRS), in a joint statement.

Namely, the NSRS at the session held two days ago adopted a series of conclusions, among which is the conclusion that all legislative material be first considered in the NSRS, and only then in sessions in the Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina, which is not in accordance with the Dayton Agreement.

 – The Dayton Peace Agreement clearly states in Annex 4, Article 3. “The entities and any of their units shall fully comply with this Constitution, which supersedes incompatible provisions of the law of Bosnia and Herzegovina as well as the constitutions and laws of the entities, and the decisions of the institutions of Bosnia and Herzegovina.” All laws and conclusions adopted by lower bodies – including parliamentary bodies of both entities – must be in accordance with the Constitution, in accordance with the jurisprudence of the Constitutional Court of BiH – they stated.

They argue that no entity has the authority to challenge the primacy of the institutions or laws of BiH.

– The conclusions adopted by the NSRS last night represent a serious threat to the constitutional order of the country and as such are anti-Dayton and directly undermine the authority of the institutions of the rule of law at the state level and BiH’s path towards Euro-Atlantic integration – they emphasized in the statement.

They emphasized that at a time when the formal opening of accession negotiations with the EU has never been closer, a return to political blockades would have negative consequences for all the citizens of BiH, the majority of whom support EU accession.

– We, the embassies of the United States of America, the United Kingdom, Germany, France, and Italy, together with the Delegation of the European Union in BiH and the EU Special Representative, reiterate our support for the sovereignty, independence, territorial integrity, and multiethnic character of BiH, and the High Representative who, in accordance with his mandates under the Dayton Peace Agreement/Annex X, is the final interpreter of the civilian aspects of the Dayton Peace Agreement – they said.
